This video gives you a quick breakdown on the two most popular carpet cleaner rentals on the market. Its clear in the video that the Bissell does a better job of cleaning and is more user friendly. The one draw back on the Bissell is the size of the solution and recovery tanks on the carpet cleaner. The Rug Doctor has larger capacities on the solution and recovery tanks and that translate to less filling and dumping of the tanks. Either machine you rent is going to require a lot of filling and dumping to clean the average size room of carpet.
I thought the video show a lot of good information and made valid points for favoring the Bissell over the Rug Dr as carpet cleaner rentals. The truth of the matter is that either machine will clean your carpet, but it will be a lot of work. As a professional carpet cleaner here in Tampa FL I can tell you that these machines are not comparable to professional carpet cleaning equipment. These machines lack sufficient suction to get you carpet deep cleaned. I completely understand the renting a carpet cleaner is appealing to home owners. It something you can do yourself while saving a bunch of money. I've rented a Rug Doctor machine to do my own carpets before a began to do it professionally. In the end they just can't clean as well as a professional carpet cleaner.
Save yourself some time and enjoy a carpet that is going to stay cleaner a lot longer by hiring a professional to clean it for you.