Tampa FL has many carpet cleaning companies to choose from. Whether your looking for your typical steam cleaner or your a typical bonnet cleaner you have plenty to choose from. At Chem-Dry of Tampa FL we offer a unique cleaning option called hot carbonated extraction. This method of carpet cleaning is very similar to steam cleaning or hot water extraction. The big difference with hot carbonated extraction is that the cleaning solution is carbonated. It has millions of bubbles scrubbing the carpet while cleaning.
What do bubbles do you might wonder. Well, the bubbles clean. It's really that simple the bubbles lift and remove dirt and debris from with in the carpet and bring it to the surface to be extracted. Most steam cleaners use a hot cleaning solution that is not carbonated, basically flat cleaning solution. So what are the advantages of cleaning with a hot carbonated solution?
The bubbles mechanically clean the carpet. In other words they use friction and buoyancy to literally dislodge and lift the dirt to the surface for extraction. It releases dirt so effectively that very little solution is needed for cleaning. Less solution means the carpet is drier during the cleaning process. The average dry time for carpet cleaning process is about 2 hours. That's not even enough time to go catch a movie.
Another advantage of hot carbonated extraction is no dirt attracting residues are left behind on the carpet. This allows carpets to stay clean longer. A powerful clean, with fast dry times, and no dirt attracting residues. What more could you want?
Looking for carpet cleaning in Tampa FL call Chem-Dry of Tampa.