Here are some reviews of the Chem-Dry carpet cleaning service in Tampa FL. We are very proud of our carpet cleaning reviews, but we offer more than just carpet cleaning. We offer cleaning services for upholstery, rug, tile & grout, as well as odor removal services. Chem-Dry has been in business for over 40 years and has an astounding track record for excellent service and fast dry times. Our pet urine removal treatment is the best odor removal treatment in the industry. It removes all tough odors like urine, vomit, feces, even skunk odors for good.
Chem-Dry carpet cleaning reviews are proof of how much pride we have in our services. The goal of our cleaning services is to make our customer's homes a healthier place to live. We can do that by providing excellent cleaning without using harsh chemicals or sticky soaps. When we clean with a sanitizing agent we can even improve the air quality of your home. A healthy home is a beautiful place to live in.
For Chem-Dry carpet cleaning services in Tampa FL call Chem-Dry of Tampa.