I love watching couch cleaning videos. They're always so relaxing and satisfying. The real funny part is that I clean couches for a living in Tampa FL. It's more relaxing to watch them being cleaned then it is to clean them yourself.
In the video you can see the difference between the cleaned cushions and the uncleaned ones.
The upholstery cleaning technician is using an upholstery cleaning tool that sprays on a cleaning solution and vacuuming it up at the same time. It doescan 3xcellent job of removing stubborn dirt and oils.
There are some major benefits to couch cleaning, such as removing allergens that have become embedded in the soft surface of the couch. All the soft surfaces in your home act as air filters collecting debris and other particulate matter. Some of it can be removed with a common household vacuum cleaner, but most of it works into the fabric weave of couch.
A professional couch cleaning can remove a good amount of those allergens making it easier to breathe and get comfortable in your own home. The couch cleaning I provide removes up to 98% of the most common allergens in your home. Your probably breathing easier just thinking about it. Between vacuuming pre-spraying and cleaning most spots, odors, and allergens are removed, leaving your home a healthy place to live.