If you're looking for a dry carpet cleaning service in Tampa FL there are a couple of things you should know. When I explain to people the different methods of cleaning carpet I usually use the analogy of washing dishes. I ask "How do you wash your dishes?" The most common answer is that they put them in the dish washer. I tell them that most people do, and some hand wash them, but I have never heard of anyone dry washing their dishes.
Why do we not dry wash our dishes? Because it's terribly ineffective. Can you imagine how much gunk would be left on your plate if you just wiped it down and vacuumed it after dinner. That's what dry carpet cleaning is. A compound is sprinkled on to the carpet and left to sit for a few minutes, allowing it to attract soils in the carpet. Then it's vacuumed up. I've seen it done and it can remove some built up soil, but it also leaves a lot behind. A vacuum can only remove up to 80% of the material in the carpet in most cases its only 40% of the material is removed. The rest of the dry carpet cleaning compound is left in the carpet as a residue.
I have cleaned carpets after they have dry cleaned and my carpet cleaning equipment is covered in the compound that is still lingering in the carpet. Take a look at the picture in this article. That's my carpet cleaning head covered in dry carpet cleaning compound.
I recommend using Chem-Dry of Tampa FL to get your carpet cleaned. We are a steam cleaning service that uses a low pressure low moisture cleaning solution that drys in a matter of hours without leaving and dirt attracting residue. We can offer the best of both worlds. A near dry cleaning solution and safe effective clean.