If your waking up with a stuffy nose and morning congestion it might be time to have Chem-Dry of Tampa FL come out for a professional mattress cleaning. Our trained technicians can remove built up allergens and soil on your mattress. There is no need to sleep on a bed of allergens or have a dusty mattress clog your sinuses and interrupt your sleep.
Unless you have a dust mite proof mattress protector you have dust mites living in your mattress. They can be seen with the naked eye but they can wreak havoc on your allergies. My kids all have allergies and dust mites play a part of that for most allergy sufferers. Dust mite residue carries an enzyme designed by nature to break down human skin flakes. That same enzyme can easily irritate the lining in your nose. The good news is that Chem-Dry of Tampa FL has a professional mattress cleaning service designed to alleviate dust mite allergens and help you breath easier.
No matter what type of mattress you have our mattress cleaning service can remove up to 98% of common household allergens including dust mite residue. There is no need to suffer from allergens in your own bed, call Chem-Dry of Tampa and we will get the allergens out of your mattress.