This video shows Chem-Dry of Tampa FL demonstrating their hot carbonated upholstery cleaning service. You can see how all the built up soil is removed in one pass of the upholstery tool. This sofa is two years old and has never been upholstery cleaned before. The owner said that the arm rest being cleaned in the video is the area where her son sits and is the dirtiest part of the sofa. The covering is a polyester based fabric that soaks up a lot of oils and dirt over time. You can see the dramatic color change as the arm rest is cleaned, removing the layers of soil in a single pass.
The major benefit of Chem-Dry's upholstery cleaning service is a lot of cleaning power without a lot of moisture. Dirt is easily removed without soaking the sofa in soapy water. Low moisture cleaning means fast dry times and lower risks of mold and mildew. Most of this sofa was dry by the time the technician finished cleaning it.
In Tampa FL the heat and humidity accelerates wear and tear on furniture. The best way to extend the life of your sofa or favorite chair is to have it cleaned on a annual basis. If your looking for a powerful upholstery cleaning that doesn't require your furniture to be off limits for the rest of the day give Chem-Dry of Tampa FL a call and have a technician professionally clean your sofa or other furniture.